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Why You Shouldn’t Hire A Part-Time Assistant (And What to Do Instead)  - WorkBetterNow

Written by Rob Levin | Jul 16, 2024 5:45:00 PM
When we first started WorkBetterNow, our primary focus was on providing assistants. Over time, we realized the potential to extend our services beyond just assistants, catering to a broader range of roles and responsibilities. 

However, since day one, Andrew and I decided that WorkBetterNow would never provide part-time support to our clients. Instead, we focus on offering full-time assistants that are 100% dedicated to their business.  As our company has evolved, we’ve revisited the idea of offering part-time assistants, but we always dismiss the notion.  

Here’s why.  

The downsides of part-time assistants 

Hiring part-time assistants usually comes with more turnover than full-time. This is because most part-time assistants have more than one job. Oftentimes, one of the companies they work for decides they want to bring them on full-time, extending an offer that’s hard to resist. If you’re the company making the offer, good for you. But what if you aren’t? That means it’s back to square one without much, if any, advanced notice. 

Full-time assistants bring a level of dedication and commitment that part-time support simply can’t match. When professionals are fully immersed in your company, they become more integrated into your culture and processes, ensuring greater consistency and reliability. They aren’t juggling multiple jobs, which means their focus and productivity are solely directed towards your business goals. This commitment leads to higher quality work and a stronger alignment with your company’s vision and objectives. 

When you employ a part-time workforce, you also have significantly less employee access. One of the biggest pain points with part-time employees is the challenges around getting work done. Because at the end of the day, if you end up needing them at 10am, but they’re scheduled to come in at 1pm, you’re going to end up waiting until 1pm to get them started. Full-time employees provide the real-time access that is needed and can get more work done.  

Maximizing your full-time assistant 

WBN remote professionals who take on full-time assistant roles don’t just handle business-related tasks; they can also help with a variety of personal projects. For instance, they can schedule personal appointments, handle travel arrangements, and even organize family events. They can also assist with online shopping, manage your personal email, and keep track of important dates and reminders. 

In addition to supporting your personal needs, a full-time assistant can also be a valuable asset to other members of your organization. For example, Andrew’s assistant not only manages his schedule and tasks but also supports the sales team by coordinating meetings, preparing materials, and following up with clients. This kind of flexibility ensures that your team remains productive and focused on high-priority tasks. 

Don’t forget that as your business grows, so will your assistant’s to-do list. It’s beneficial to have all those hours available, ensuring that as new tasks and responsibilities arise, they can be seamlessly integrated into their workflow. This continuous support helps maintain efficiency and allows your team to focus on what they do best. 

You can understand it best through the words of one of our many satisfied, thriving clients: 

"I wasn’t sure if I had enough work for a full-time assistant and initially considered hiring a part-time person. However, I quickly found plenty of tasks to delegate. Discovering that I could offload personal items that were consuming my mental energy was a huge relief. My assistant not only supports me professionally but also helps with personal tasks that I would otherwise have to handle during or after work hours. This has significantly lightened my load and has been a tremendous help."

- Jessica Marucci, Chief of Staff, Sky Ventures

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits listed above–and those not mentioned–schedule a free consultation here. We look forward to helping improve your business.